
RASWA’s contribution to the Western Australian community ranges in diversity from the judging of livestock at the Perth Royal Show, educating children on where their food comes from to the coordination of the Agricultural Hall of Fame.

Responsibility for the organisation’s  broad-ranging initiatives is largely in the hands of RASWA’s Sections and its Committees and operate under the guidance of the Council and management team.

RASWA Councillors, working together with community volunteers and RASWA Competition & Event Coordinators, head a large number of specialist committees responsible for promoting, developing and managing particular areas of RASWA. A large proportion of committees are focused on competitive events working to promote rural WA.

Competitions | Perth Royal Show

RASWA has committees for the Agricultural Hall of Fame, Membership, Agricultural Societies Liaison, Corporate Governance, Finance, Budget and Strategic Planning & Project. These committees operate under the guidance of the RASWA Council and are critical contributors to the success of the Society.