ADAMS Jane Swain

1851 – 1934

Toodyay-born Jane Glass married Charles Adams in 1868. They settled at Mangowine about 100 kilometres east of Goomalling on one of the then outermost pastoral leases. Here they supported themselves and 11 children on home-grown produce while accumulating wool and sandalwood for an annual journey to Guildford.

The 1888 Yilgarn goldrush brought prospectors needing provisions and for several years Mangowine served as a wayside inn. After Charles’ death in 1895 Jane, already experienced through her husband’s frequent absences, assumed sole control until the district was broken up for homestead blocks for wheat growing early in the 20th century.

Until her death Jane Adams was respected as the experienced matriarch of the district. She was an outstanding example of the first generation of locally bred pioneer women.