LEWIS BEM Marjorie Winifred Leslie
1906 – 1992
After completing a diploma in dairy farming and acquiring knowledge of sheep farming and wool classing at the University of Reading, Marjorie Lewis, with her husband, farmed at Muradup, west of Kojonup. In addition to a fine record of local service with the Country Women’s Association and being the first woman to serve on the Kojonup Shire Council, Marjory served as a member of the General Executive of the Primary Producers Association during the 1939-1945 war years and in 1946, took part in negotiations to form the Farmers Union of Western Australia. Without the backing of an academic institution Lewis conducted, over many years, extensive research into the fertility of ewes and the selection of improved Merino sheep. She also served as Secretary of the Southern Districts Sheep Research Council. Mrs Lewis took an active interest in the farm up until her death in 1992.