LINDSAY AO Professor David Roy

1937 –

In the era of expanding research intensity in the second half of the twentieth century, David Lindsay excelled as a teacher and scientist in the sheep industry in Western Australia. He and his research team illustrated how fundamental research of world significance could be used to understand and combat practical problems associated with poor fertility and survival in the State’s flock. His research group became the focus for scores of overseas researchers and students in the field of reproductive physiology. In particular, he stressed to his colleagues and students the importance of clear and accurate communication and did much to bridge the gap between science and practical sheep farming in the State and in Australia.

These skills led to his chairing many important agriculturally-related forums including the Lindsay Review of the Australian Quarantine System, a review of the Western Australian Meat Marketing Corporation and reviews of Australian and overseas projects projects.

Many of his masters and doctorate students hold influential roles in agricultural teaching and research in Australia and overseas and they continue his philosophy that solving practical problems in agriculture needs sound basic science and communication coupled with a passion for the industry.