January 17, 2023
Today, the Showground Redevelopment “Improvement Plan” was announced by the Hon Rita Saffioti MA, Minister for Transport, Planning, and Ports.
The Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia (RASWA) has been considering redevelopment of the Showground, and welcomes this small, but important, step.
The Improvement Plan enables RASWA to continue progressing the future redevelopment directly with the State Government.
Publishing the Improvement Plan does not commit RASWA to any specific development projects but paves the way for more detailed planning and community consultation.
The RASWA team is working on a detailed concept plan with a focus on the continued operation of the Perth Royal Show and community infrastructure, and that plan will be used to consult widely during 2023.
Naturally, with such an iconic site there has been extensive interest in the site’s development and working with the State and the community will be our key focus in the formative stages.
RASWA looks forward to keeping you informed and seeking your input as we progress.
If you would like to be kept informed about progress, or have any queries, please contact us via this email link